I felt really uneasy after reading books about victims of wars, * Tears of Africa*, *The Kite Runner* and *A Thousand Splendid Suns*.
So much is going on around the world. People are suffering. Yet, there's so little we can do. Yes, there's people and organizations like the UN that try to help, but how much can they really do?
We should really be thankful for what we are enjoying today, instead of keep complaining.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
So much is happening around the world, so little we can do to help
Posted by Shopping Queen at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Afghanistan, Darfur, UN
Friday, November 20, 2009
尼泊爾人的婚禮 part 1
尋日訓覺之前我問chauB, 尼泊爾人o既婚禮係點ga ?
佢話, 同印度人一樣, 女仔唔可以著白色, 因為有人過身先會著白色.
結婚o個日, 新郎會騎住隻雌性o既馬去個女仔屋企 (佢好強調係女仔馬, 點解? 佢都唔知. 唔通係要食住個老婆咁解 ?!), 新郎 d兄弟 & uncles 會o係新娘屋企門口不斷向天開槍 (又一個唔知點解o既儀式, 不過而家慢慢無o左. 因為d槍俾警察收晒), 之後, 去到新娘屋企門口就會好似玩新郎咁, d姊妹會要佢俾開門利是. chauB 話 d 尼泊爾人一開始會由 1 rupee 叫起, 我話 "wa!咁cheap ga!" 佢話 end up會叫到差不多8xxx rupee. 我同佢講, 如果有一日我d 姊妹問佢拎, 我會叫佢地同佢講 "你覺得你老婆值幾多就俾幾多la !"
"How is a Nepalese style wedding ceremony like ? "
He told me, just like Indians, wearing gowns in white color is forbidden, cuz white is the color for funeral, not for events like wedding. Red is preferred.
On the wedding day, the groom, together with his brothers and uncles, will ride on female horses to the bride's place. When they arrive, the uncles will take out guns and fire upwards. (This is not happening anymore though cuz most of the guns have been seized by the Police.)
And then, just like in HK, the bridemaids will ask for red pockets before letting the broom in. The brothers will start bargaining from as little as 1 rupee. I told my bf, on my wedding day, I'll instruct my sister to ask for the amount you think I'm worth, and let's see how much you're gonna give.
Posted by Shopping Queen at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: Nepalese marriage, 尼泊爾人的婚禮
Thursday, November 19, 2009
睇完<<我老公係印度人>>lee本書 [btw 本書真係sweet到爆...雖然佢地已經離o左婚 :( ], 決定要開始寫返自己個blog, 記低我同chauB之間o既事.
1. 我唔會半途而廢
2. 遲d chauB會加入同我一齊寫 :)
After reading the book "My Indian Husband"
I hope this blog will contintue as long as we are together, and I hope some day my boy will start writing in it too :)
Posted by Shopping Queen at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: start
Thursday, May 21, 2009
chauB 520 wo ai ni :)
今日chauB 好可愛 le
話說我O既生日就到(仲有2個月 :p) , 佢話已經有 idea 送咩俾我, 會好arm用gum.
講講下就漏o左口風, 係call我ipsa o既ba (個ba同我都frd frd地) 問下有咩arm我, 然之後做我o既禮物 :D
chauB 好叻ah ! 雖然又一個唔係surprise o既surprise
不過我情願佢送俾我o既o野我會用得著好過送d 我用唔著 / 唔係特別鍾意o既o野 -v-
買到o野tum到女朋友之餘, 個ba都會覺得佢係一個體貼o既男朋友. hah.
Posted by Shopping Queen at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: 禮物